Energy Solutions For Your Long Term Success

Click below and start getting your business an integrated solar system with premium local products and customized design

Full-Service Commercial Solar Panel and Battery Company

Many companies all over America are struggling with the ever-increasing costs of doing business in a major metropolitan area. Like homeowners, many restaurants, offices, and stores also have to deal with high utility bills that impact their bottom line.

At The Solar Cowboys, our goal is to help you take control of your energy expenses.  Learn how our commercial solar company can save your business money and energy.

Full-Service Commercial Solar Panel ad Battery Company



Commercial Solar Company For Agricultures



Commercial Solar Company For Manufacturing

Retail Outlets

Retail Outlets

Commercial Solar Company For Retail Outlets

Professional Buildings

Professional Buildings

Commercial Solar Company For Professional Buildings

Data Centers

Data Centers

Commercial Solar Company For Data Centers



Commercial Solar Company For Utility
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Improved Energy Efficiency

One of the biggest reasons business owners are switching to a commercial solar system is to save energy and money over time. With solar panels, you can efficiently generate more energy per square foot, which means you can power your business for less.

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Reduced Carbon Footprint

When you choose to harness the power of the sun, you’re not only helping yourself; you’re helping the entire planet. By switching to a renewable resource, you are reducing your carbon footprint, which will help the earth in the long run.

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Commercial Energy Storage

Not only do we offer the means to harness and utilize solar energy, but we also give you the means to store it for later use. With our emergency backup batteries, you can rest easy knowing your home will be powered even during a blackout.

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Tax Incentives

To encourage more business owners to make the switch to solar, many utility providers and the government are offering tax incentives like credits and rebates. At The Solar Cowboys, we’ll teach you about all the things you can get from switching to solar.

Maximize Your Savings with Commercial Solar Panel Installation

As a business, your first priority is to see if commercial solar panels are good for your bottom line. Businesses use a lot of electricity which is why saving on your electric bill each month can be a huge help in cutting expenses. Having a solar system also stabilizes your bill amount, making accurate monthly and annual budgets that much easier. The result? Increased confidence in your business’s financial future.

You’ll be able to take advantage of other savings when you invest in solar panel installation:

☑ The 30% Federal Investment Tax Credit

☑ 5 Year MACRS Asset Depreciation Schedule

☑ Utility Rebates and Performance-Based Incentives

☑ Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing

☑ The USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) – This is a grant of up to 25% of the project cost if you’re in a rural area. See if your business location is eligible HERE.


LED Lighting

In addition to supplying solar energy solutions for commercial buildings, we partner with our sister company, Electricians on Demand, to offer LED lighting for commercial and government entities. With our team supporting you, your business can shine brightly while saving both money and the planet.

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Electricians on demand supplying Led Lighting

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